Sedan, MN Area Cold Cases

Alonzo BeghtelAge
81Cause of Death
Alonzo “lon” beghtel, an 81-year-old retired farmer, was found beaten to death near his guthrie center, iowa, home on wednesday, january 18, 1950.Agency
Floyd AlbornAge
76Cause of Death
Floyd william alborn, a 76-year-old bachelor, was found shot to death in his rural panora, iowa, home on friday evening, november 8, 1974. Alborn lived alone at his farm on the guthrie and dallas county line one-fourth mile north of highway 44. His sister and brother-in-law, freda and lawrence mills, discovered his body, the guthrian reported on monday, november 25, 1974.Agency
Aaron MarrAge
37Cause of Death
Aaron marr, 37, died saturday night, sept. 22, 2007, after suffering several stab wounds to his back and neck in his ames, iowa, apartment. At approximately 9:53 p.M., ames police received a call for an ambulance assist regarding a man with a neck laceration. Officers found marr after arriving at the 210 s. Second st. Home.Agency
Angela AltmanAge
22Cause of Death
Four-year-old jessica marie altman found her mother’s dead body saturday afternoon, jan. 24, 1981, in the fort dodge apartment where the two lived together. Angela marie altman, 22, lay partially nude on the kitchen floor — stabbed and strangled.Agency
Arnold SansgaardAge
58Cause of Death
On saturday, july 21, 1984, authorities found 58-year-old arnold sansgaard’s unclothed body on the living room floor of his rural story city home in northeast boone county. Sansgaard had been stabbed multiple times and had been dead for about a week. His mother, delia, who lived with sansgaard, was away visiting her daughter in nashua at the time of the murder.Agency
Barbara BrimAge
53Cause of Death
On wednesday afternoon, april 25, 2001, barbara kay brim, 53, was shot in her rural hamilton county, iowa home. Brim’s husband, robert “larry” brim, told officials he found his wife at the bottom of the basement stairs in their home near webster city after spending the afternoon moving farm equipment. He said his wife was fine when the two had shared lunch just hours earlier.Agency
Bertha FoyAge
18Cause of Death
Bertha mae foy was killed in fort dodge, iowa, on august 9, 1987. The young mother left behind three small children, ages 3, 2, and a 9-month-old baby. Two men were questioned in foy’s murder but no one was ever charged.Agency
Dawn AllenAge
50Cause of Death
Dawn marlene allen, 50, was reported missing to the carroll police department in carroll, iowa, on may 4, 2011, after she failed to show up for work as a manager for a local subway. Carroll county in iowa carroll county in iowa carroll in carroll countycarroll in carroll county allen’s boss said she had worked at the carroll subway for 21 years and had never been late or missed work.Agency
Douglas NielsenAge
17Cause of Death
In the early morning hours on friday, october 18, 1974, douglas a. Nielsen was shot and killed during a house party at the home of mr. And mrs. Earl garrison in humboldt, iowa. Nielsen, 17, was shot in the kidney area of the lower back with a .22-caliber firearm. Nielsen’s body was found at approximately 1 a.M. In the garrison’s basement game room, where investigators said they also seized several other weapons.Agency
Edward UhlenhoppAge
85Cause of Death
Edward r. “ed” uhlenhopp, 85, was killed on friday, june 29, 2001, when the honda moped he was driving in ackley, iowa, was struck by an unidentified truck that did not stop. The iowa state patrol and hardin county sheriff’s office reported that uhlenhopp died at the scene. Uhlenhopp, a wwii us army veteran, was driving southbound on butler street and attempting to make a left turn into a private driveway on fourth avenue when the truck, following closely behind the moped, made an attempt to pass on the left. The vehicles collided and the truck kept on going.Agency
Effie BellAge
46Cause of Death
At the end of the day on friday, march 18, 1966, effie bell (known as “cupie” to her family) got off work from her job at mcray cosmetics factory in madrid, iowa, just as she’d done since 1958 when first hired by the cosmetics manufacturer. There was no telling what the weekend had in store for the wife and mother of three, or what her husband, frank bell, sr., 49, might have in mind. He’d just quit his job at the john deere des moines works plant the previous day.Agency
Ethan KazmerzakAge
22Cause of Death
Ethan kazmerzak, 22, was reported missing to the hampton police department in hampton, iowa, on sept. 15, 2013. Hampton in franklin county hampton in franklin county franklin county in iowa franklin county in iowa he was last seen in rural hampton around 12 a.M. Sunday, sept. 15, 2013, and wore a teal/white printed shirt and peach/orange shorts. According to findethan.Com, kazmerzak was seen in several area pubs on sept. 14, including pit row and the red moose in hampton as well as duck’s in aredale. He reportedly was last seen at a party at a gravel pit pond located behind a house in the 1400 block of 190th street. Police say kazmerzak’s cell phone was last used around 12:30 a.M. On sept. 15 at the intersection of 190th street and olive avenue, and that his atm card has reportedly not been used since sept. 14.Agency
Gregory HowellAge
44Cause of Death
But his family says he never deserved what he got. “we used to snowmobile race. We used to go to minnesota every sunday. Race drag sleds. I mean we just had a blast,” says greg’s brother frank. Frank howell remembers the good times. But he knows his brother had a dark side, the drugs that played jekyll and hyde with his personality, and probably led to his death. “I told him, I said you need to slow down,” frank says. “you got a family. You got a good family. You need to grow up. He wanted to be a kid. He lived a fast life.”Agency
Henry ChavisAge
55Cause of Death
On nov. 8, 1948, henry chavis, the owner and operator of ames canning company, was shot to death near the rear door steps of his farm home. His body was found at around 7 a.M. By nellie alber, his maid, and “red” dinamore, a cab driver who had taken her to the chavis home. Physicians estimated chavis had been dead between three and four hours before he was found.Agency
James MorrisAge
58Cause of Death
Four days before halloween in 1991, james wesley “jimmy” morris — a.K.A. James morise and jimmy morise — was found beaten to death in his ames, iowa apartment. Morris rented an apartment on the second floor at 203 e. Lincoln way, a building next door to the tip top lounge in ames.Agency
Julie BenningAge
18Cause of Death
She had a quick smile and a zany laugh. She was bright, beautiful, spunky, and ambitious. She loved getting out to meet people and making things happen. She loved live music and the weekly top 100 countdown. Her creativity spilled over into every aspect of her life; she not only designed and sewed her own dresses, but painted landscapes and portraits of all things closest to her heart.Agency
Lisa McCuddinAge
23Cause of Death
On october 2, 2004 — just four days before her 24th birthday — lisa ann mccuddin was shot while riding with a friend on the way to breakfast at the holiday inn in fort dodge, iowa. Webster county in iowa webster county in iowa fort dodge in webster countyfort dodge in webster county officers initially responded to a call from trinity regional medical center, also in fort dodge, where a man had gone after suffering a gunshot wound at the holiday inn. When police went to the hotel to investigate the shooting, another car pulled into the parking lot, driven by a man who said he and a female passenger had just been shot while driving to the hotel.Agency
Lorri AlexanderAge
50Cause of Death
Lorri lynn alexander, 50, of fort dodge, iowa, was found deceased in the early morning hours on thursday, dec. 29, 2016, inside an empty apartment at the cadwell building in fort dodge. Fort dodge police and medical personnel found alexander’s remains after a report of an unresponsive woman was called in to the webster county law enforcement center. Webster county in iowa webster county in iowa fort dodge in webster countyfort dodge in webster county officials determined alexander had died before their arrival.Agency
Mamie SimeAge
74Cause of Death
Shortly after 4 a.M. On tuesday, march 31, 1981, a fire broke out in the home of mamie sime on the outskirts of rolfe, iowa. Firemen answered the alarm at 4:30 a.M., and arrived to find the house fully engulfed in flames.Agency
Marvin BrandlandAge
69Cause of Death
Marvin brandland, 69, and his wife, ethel, had spent saturday evening, oct. 30, 1982, handing out candy to trick-or-treaters when another person knocked on their fort dodge home’s door. Someone wearing a pillowcase with holes cut out for eyes stood outside.Agency
Pamela ShadleAge
48Cause of Death
For two years prior to her death, pamela shadle insisted someone was trying to kill her. She told her family she “knew too much” about local political corruption, and said if she ended up dead or shot, it wouldn’t be because she’d taken her own life. Under normal circumstances, it may have seemed odd talk for the dakota city, iowa, wife and mother of two who enjoyed caring for her pets, attending garage sales and auctions, or visiting with friends and enjoying music. But in the seven years before her death – particularly the last two – pamela shadle’s life had become anything but normal.Shortly after graduating from ft. Dodge high school in 1978, pam married her “best friend,” dorman “dean” shadle, and the couple had made their home in the thor and bode areas before moving to dakota city. For many years pam was employed in the chantland’s south plant, and later worked for casey’s general store in dakota city.Agency
Roberta CrawfordAge
53Cause of Death
Roberta “bobbi” crawford was a fireball. She worked as the registrar at ellsworth community college and raised her son as a single mom. The 53-year-old also loved racquetball, skydiving, and being a grandmother. To her son, lee, she was more than a mother — she was a friend.All that disappeared in an instant when, sometime between late tuesday night, november 16, 1999, and early wednesday morning, november 17, bobbi crawford was murdered inside the small hampton, iowa home where she lived alone. Police found crawford’s body wednesday after co-workers contacted authorities when she failed to show up for work. Crawford had worked as an administrative assistant at the college for nearly 25 years.Someone had cut what they thought were the phone lines and then broke in, killing her in her bedroom. Burglary didn’t seem to be the motive. Nor had crawford been sexually assaulted.On nov. 30, franklin county medical examiner keith hansen said crawford died from blunt trauma to the head. Roberta “bobbi” crawford’s trauma to the head led to hemorrhaging and death, he said.Agency
Roger BrownAge
55Cause of Death
Roger alan brown, 55, was found dead inside his trailer in the 200 block of eighth street sw in dayton, iowa, on wednesday morning, september 30, 2015. A news release from the iowa department of public safety said the man appeared to have died from a gunshot wound, but did not initially classify his death as a homicide.The body was sent to the iowa office of the state medical examiner in ankeny that same day, and the iowa division of criminal investigation (dci) called in to assist in the investigation.Agency
Ronald WestwickAge
34Cause of Death
Ronald eugene westwick, 34, was reported missing to the ames police department in ames, iowa, on march 12, 1979.The iowa department of public safety classifies his ‘incident type’ as “disability — physical / mental,” meaning a person of any age who is missing and under proven physical/mental disability or is senile, thereby subjecting himself/herself or others to personal and immediate danger.At the time of his disappearance, the 34-year-old westwick was described as a 6-foot-2 white male with grey hair, brown eyes, and weighing about 240 pounds.Agency
Sandra VanderhoefAge
42Cause of Death
Sandra vanderhoef was reported missing to the webster county sheriff’s office in fort dodge, iowa, on september 22, 1986.She wears glasses, has a scar on her abdomen, scars on both knees and a mole on her back.She is described as an american indian or alaskan native, 5’07” and weighing approximately 210 pounds.The iowa department of public safety classifies vanderhoef’s disappearance as “endangered / physical,” which includes a person of any age who is missing under circumstances indicating his/her physical safety is in danger.Agency
Tammy NitcherAge
2Cause of Death
First, it was 2-1/2-month-old tammy in january 1972. Two months later in march, 2-year-old sarah. Fast forward four years — and to another state — to 3-month-old crystal. And finally, almost a year to the day after crystal’s death, the youngest of them all — misti, just 5 weeks old.One by one, helen nitcher’s daughters all died under mysterious circumstances.Patterns got missed. Medical examiners struggled with inconclusive autopsy reports. But helen c. (née tenery) nitcher, later known as crystal price, had two dead daughters within 2-1/2 months — in iowa, that is — until nitcher relocated and the pattern repeated in abilene, texas.Two more dead infant daughters followed.News reports on the four girls’ successive deaths also had a strikingly familiar ring; officials reported all three infants, as well as the 2-year-old, dead on arrival.The mother’s explanations for the short-lived lives were conflicting at best; the stories varied depending on the city and state where the obituaries appeared, leaving astute readers as mystified as iowa and texas medical examiners, who never could quite pinpoint exact causes or manners of death.Iowa coroners had no way of knowing nitcher left iowa after her first two daughters’ deaths, only to have two more infants die in texas. And texas officials apparently were unaware of the two previous iowa deaths.Agency
Sarah Marie NitcherAge
2Cause of Death
First, it was 2-1/2-month-old tammy in january 1972. Two months later in march, 2-year-old sarah. Fast forward four years — and to another state — to 3-month-old crystal. And finally, almost a year to the day after crystal’s death, the youngest of them all — misti, just 5 weeks old.One by one, helen nitcher’s daughters all died under mysterious circumstances.Patterns got missed. Medical examiners struggled with inconclusive autopsy reports. But helen c. (née tenery) nitcher, later known as crystal price, had two dead daughters within 2-1/2 months — in iowa, that is — until nitcher relocated and the pattern repeated in abilene, texas.Two more dead infant daughters followed.News reports on the four girls’ successive deaths also had a strikingly familiar ring; officials reported all three infants, as well as the 2-year-old, dead on arrival.The mother’s explanations for the short-lived lives were conflicting at best; the stories varied depending on the city and state where the obituaries appeared, leaving astute readers as mystified as iowa and texas medical examiners, who never could quite pinpoint exact causes or manners of death.Iowa coroners had no way of knowing nitcher left iowa after her first two daughters’ deaths, only to have two more infants die in texas. And texas officials apparently were unaware of the two previous iowa deaths.Agency
Sheila CollinsAge
18Cause of Death
On sunday, january 28, 1968, sheila jean collins, 18, of evanston, ill., was found lying face-down in a ditch off a gravel road four miles east of nevada, iowa, about 20 miles east of ames.Miss collins — an iowa state university coed who was headed home for the weekend — had been strangled with a nylon cord knotted around her neck. An autopsy report by dr. John powers of ames showed that a pipe incorporated into the knot may have been used as a turning mechanism.A father and son out fox hunting near the town of colo in story county found collins’ body after the son spotted a foot in the shallow ditch.Agency
Elna PetersonAge
8Cause of Death
On thursday, may 6, 1971, 8-year-old valerie peterson was killed by a hit-and-run driver around 4 p.M. While riding her bicycle off the side of the road in front of the manson augustana lutheran church. One other girl — the friend with whom valerie was riding bikes — was riding up ahead of valerie and said she saw a blue-green pickup truck with two or three men inside traveling north at a high rate of speed. They appeared to have long hair, and the girl believed the truck had some sort of equipment in the flatbed.Agency
Wendel ClarkAge
30Cause of Death
Wendel clark, 30, of fort dodge, iowa, died wednesday, oct. 7, 2015, of two gunshot wounds after being shot in the driver’s seat of his car about a block from his home.The state medical examiner’s office ruled his death a homicide.The following stories and reports detail the information about this unsolved murder.Agency
William FreimuthAge
71Cause of Death
William h. Freimuth, a 71-year-old fort dodge service station attendant, was shot in the back of the head around 9 p.M. On thursday, february 16, 1961, by a gunman who took $140 from the cash register.The elderly freimuth had been working alone in the fawkes standard service station — located on highway 20 about six blocks east of the fort dodge business district — while another employee was away from the station for between 10 and 15 minutes.After the second employee returned to the gas station around 9:10 p.M., he found freimuth on the floor in the station’s grease rack and notified police.Agency
William MeadowsAge
36Cause of Death
Town marshal william lawrence meadows, 36, was shot and killed on monday, january 23, 1961, while investigating a burglary in progress at the hartmann packing plant in plainfield, iowa.Meadows, who’d worked his family’s farm for years and also volunteered as a scoutmaster, had barely stepped through the packing plant’s front entrance just after 2:15 a.M. Before being shot through the heart by what authorities believed to be a high-powered 30-30-caliber deer rifle. Meadows died instantly.Agency
Yerlanin GarciaAge
12Cause of Death
Yerlanin garcia was reported missing to the eagle grove police department in eagle grove, iowa, on january 15, 2010.At the time of her disappearance, yerlanin was described as a 12-year-old white female, 4-foot-3 and weighing approximately 100 pounds. She has black hair and brown eyes.Agency
Adrian ReuwsaatAge
69Cause of Death
Adrian charles reuwsaat, 69, was reported missing to the sioux city police department in sioux city, iowa, on november 3, 2002, and foul play has long been suspected in his disappearance.Agency
Alicia HummelAge
29Cause of Death
Alicia marie hummel, a 29-year-old preschool teacher from sioux city, iowa, was found dead in the missouri river monday afternoon, june 1, 2015, near the shore at a boat dock in myron grove, south dakota. The area — also known as the highline area — is about seven miles west of vermillion.Agency
Alta BraunAge
12Cause of Death
Twelve-year-old alta marie braun of le mars, iowa, was raped and strangled sometime monday evening, august 20, 1917, after going to the yankee robinson circus.Agency
Anthony EvansAge
5Cause of Death
Five-year-old anthony evans was struck by a hit-and-run driver in the 1000 block of 21st street in sioux city, iowa, on june 20, 2000.Agency
Elizabeth SwetnamAge
73Cause of Death
Betty swetnam, a 73-year-old grandmother who operated a massage business out of her 1610 west 19th st. Sioux city home’s basement, was brutally stabbed to death on friday december 31, 1993.Agency
Brenda DaileyAge
53Cause of Death
Brenda dailey, 53, was badly beaten in her mapleton, iowa, home on monday, aug. 24, 2015, before being pushed down her basement stairs. According to a press release issued tuesday by the iowa department of public safety, the mapleton police department received a 911 call for an unresponsive female at 702 monona street in mapleton on monday, aug. 24, at approximately 10:30 a.M.Agency
Connie RuddyAge
21Cause of Death
Connie ruddy, a 21-year-old mother of two, was reported missing from her ida grove, iowa home on monday, february 10, 1997. Her 2-year-old daughter and 3-month-old son were found alone inside the residence, unharmed. Ruddy had last been seen by her sister around 11 p.M. Saturday, february 8, in ruddy’s home. About 10:30 a.M. Monday, a friend stopped by and discovered ruddy gone and her children alone. Ruddy’s car was still at the house and she hadn’t taken her purse.Agency
Dale RobinsonAge
84Cause of Death
The moville police department is asking the public for help in locating dale robinson, who was reported missing on saturday, august 3, 2013. He was 84 years old at the time he disappeared. He was last seen aug. 3 while getting gas in moville at the 4-way stop shop. He left the service station driving his maroon and gray 2000 ford f-150 single cab pickup — iowa license plate number 870zcf, expiry date may 2014 — heading westbound on u.S. Highway 20 toward sioux city, and may have been en route to santa ana or paramount, california, or st. Joseph, missouri, according to initial reports. Robinson, described as 5-foot-6 and weighing between 90 and 116 pounds, suffered from early onset alzheimer’s. Dozens of people searched for the well-known robinson, a retired welder and fabricator who’d operated r&r sheet metal in moville for about 30 years. After retiring from the sheet metal business, robinson did voluntarily jobs all over the siouxland area, including mowing the grass at the woodbury county fairgrounds in moville and giving others rides to doctor appointments. Moville in woodbury county, ia moville in woodbury county, iaAgency
Daniel HardenAge
61Cause of Death
The sioux city police department is seeking information on the murder of pastor daniel harden — sometimes referred to as “preacher” by friends — whose body was discovered around 4 a.M. Dec. 1, 2020, in a park place apartment at 2601 douglas street on the city’s north side. Harden had been dead for about a week and his body showed signs of blunt force trauma.Agency
Daniel HieberAge
58Cause of Death
Aniel “dan” hieber, 58, of castana, iowa, was found unresponsive and near death at the bottom of a staircase in a mapleton residence early on sunday, sept. 20, 2015. An ambulance transported hieber to mercy medical center in sioux city, where he was pronounced dead. Mapleton police were summoned to the 823 main street home around 1:25 a.M. By the woman who owned the home, who told officers hieber had “fallen down the stairs.”Agency
David Redowl SrAge
27Cause of Death
At approximately 2:00 a.M. On april 26, 1997, 27-year-old david redowl and his 24-year-old sister, sonja, had a physical altercation in the back yard of their mother’s residence at 610 west 3rd street in sioux city, iowa. Both redowl and his sister listedAgency
Donna DavisAge
21Cause of Death
Donna sue davis hadn’t yet reached her second birthday. The 21-month-old 21-pound blue-eyed girl with the mass of dark blond curly hair was the youngest of james (“don”) and mary davis’s three children, and her three prized possessions included her teddy bear, a rubber doll and a red purse. Eleven-year-old mary claire, the eldest of the siblings, had friends who resided in the same west side neighborhood in sioux city, ia, and they often could be seen pushing strollers and buggies around the block with donna sue and the other girls’ young siblings in tow. Timothy, 7, also had ample playmates within safe walking distance from the family’s 715 isabella street home. Everyone knew and loved donna sue, though seldom used her name. To them, she was simply “the darling of the neighborhood.”Agency
Earl ThelanderAge
25Cause of Death
The thieves had stripped propane gas lines from a country home — a house formerly owned by my grandparents — where earl and my mother, hope thelander, had been working and readying for a renter. Earl was life-flighted to the clarkson burn center at the university of nebraska hospital in omaha, where he died four days later on september 1. He and my mother would have celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary four months later on december 30. Also left behind were earl’s six children and five stepchildren, 22 grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren, four sisters and three brothers, and countless in-laws, loved ones and friends.Agency
George Dean JrAge
55Cause of Death
On wednesday evening, june 29, 1966, george earl dean, jr. Was found deceased in the street in front of his mapleton, iowa home. Dean had suffered fractured facial bones and fractured ribs on the left side, leading officials to believe he had been struck by a car. According to a 2009 report by the iowa division of criminal investigation cold case unit, the investigation into dean’s death revealed he likely had been having an affair with a woman known as “mrs. Carley,” who also resided in mapleton.Agency
Jesse NimajapolAge
18Cause of Death
The denison police department is asking for the public’s help in finding 18-year-old jesse govani nimajapol, of denison, who was last seen on july 14, 2017, and reported missing to the denison police departmentAgency
Jimmy BremmersAge
8Cause of Death
After dinner on tuesday, august 31, 1954, 8-year-old jimmy bremmers went to his friend joey hamel’s house two doors down from the bremmers home on sioux city’s west side. Jimmy’s parents had gone to lay brick for the basement of their new home, and though jimmy usually helped, this night he’d stayed behind to go visit his friend.Agency
John EricksonAge
48Cause of Death
On wednesday, april 30, 1997, vietnam veteran john lee erickson, 48, of council bluffs was shot in the head near mondamin, iowa, in harrison county. His killer or killers then dumped his body in a ditch off I-29 south of onawa in monona countyAgency