Baker, MT Area Cold Cases

Shay SmithAge
12Cause of Death
Shay smith was reported missing on july 15, 2006. He may have drowned in carter lake, but has never been seen since. Anyone with information regarding this case is asked to please contact the larimer county sheriff's office.Agency
Larimer County Sheriff's Office
Edward JohnsonAge
75Cause of Death
On thanksgiving day of 1983, edward johnson was attacked by an unknown assailant inside of his apartment. Mr. Johnson was struck over the head with a blunt type object and died at the scene.Agency
Denver PD
Julie DerrickAge
19Cause of Death
Julie derrick, 19, was last seen alive october 19, 1995. Her mother made a plea for her return. Julie’s body was found in o’fallon’s sand pit, weighted down. Forensic examination indicated she died shortly after her disappearance, but the cause of death was undetermined. Investigators believe it could have been a drug overdose.Agency
Lincoln County Crimestoppers
Leah RowlandsAge
41Cause of Death
Leah rowlands, 41, was shot and killed during an armed robbery at an amoco station. The suspect, a man in a red pontiac, killed rowlands and stole money and goods. Despite security footage aired on national tv, no suspect has been arrested.Agency
Lincoln County Crimestoppers
Jay BlocksonAge
23Cause of Death
Jay blockson, 23, was found dead in a stand of trees. An autopsy determined broken ribs caused internal damage leading to his death. Investigators believe the notorious freight train riders of america gang might be responsible for his death.Agency
Lincoln County Crimestoppers
Ray GreenAge
55Cause of Death
Ray "Sandy" green, 55, was found dead in an underground bunker, strangled. Investigators believe there was a struggle at the scene. The case remains open, but progress is slowed as one suspect in the case died of a heart attack.Agency
Lincoln County Crimestoppers
Dustin BrueggerAge
24Cause of Death
Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation
Marlene MazzolaAge
42Cause of Death
This double homicide was one of the most high profile murders in the county's history. 58 year old george heinrich and 42 year old marlene mazzola had been dating for approximately a month before they were found murdered heinrich's home on highway 312 east of billings. Heinrich was a local business man who bought and sold cattle. Mazzola was a district manager for avon products in the billings area. The bodies were discovered by heinrich's adopted daughter.Agency
YellowStone County
Ben BumsAge
Cause of Death
Homicide victim ben bums body was found near 1-94 on prior creek road, just 200 yards south of the huntley interchange. Bums had been hitchhiking from northwestem montana to his home in forsyth. According to reports, less than a half hour passed between the time pryor creek residents heard gunfire at around 12:30am and passing motorists found the young man's body.Agency
YellowStone County
Jeannette AtwaterAge
Cause of Death
Shortly after 3:30am on the morning of january 16, 2000, firefighters were called to the scene of a car fire near a pull-off area on bench blvd. In billings heights. When firefighters opened the trunk of the burning car they discovered a body, later identified as jeanette atwater. The previous evening, this attractive young billings woman, and the mother of three small children had attended an office party with several co-workers from the napa store where she worked. The major clue in this case is video from the cenex convenience store located near the crime scene. The store's video monitoring system recorded a male, approximately 5'8" in height, wearing a dark coat and pants. The suspect got into an older model compact car...Possibly brown in color with an orange stripe on the side. Drawings of the suspect and vehicle were made and circulated. To-date, no arrests have been made.Agency
YellowStone County
Anita KnutsonAge
18Cause of Death
On june 4, 2007, the body of 18 year old anita mae knutson was found in her apartment in the 2400 block of 4th street nw in minot, nd. Anita had been killed while lying in her bed; she died as a result of knife wounds to her upper body. Unknown suspect(s) appeared to have entered the apartment through a ground floor window and exited by the same route. The murder weapon was found at the scene.Agency
North Dakota AG
Kimberly GrabinAge
17Cause of Death
On the morning, of august 18, 1979, officers from arapahoe county were called to a field near interstate-70 and gun club road. There they discovered the body of 17 year old, kimberly grabin. Kimberly had been beaten and strangled and been left on the side of the road. Kimberly was last seen wearing jeans and a plaid blouse. Eye witnesses reported seeing in the area either a chevrolet nova or vega. Anyone with information regarding this case or recalling seeing any activity in the vicinity I-70 and gun club road on august 18, 1979 is asked to please contact the arapahoe county sheriff's office.Agency
Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office
Alan GreyAge
48Cause of Death
Alan grey had recently moved to cherry hills. On october 31, 1968 at approximately 8:30 p.M. The doorbell rang and his daughter opened the door. Two black men pushed her against the wall and told her not to scream, but she did. This caused mr. Grey to charge down the hall ensuing in a struggle. Mr. Grey was shot several times. Both suspects, who were wearing transparent halloween masks, fled the scene. Anyone with information regarding this case, is asked to please contact the cherry hills village police department.Agency
Cherry Hills Village Police Department
Sharon HepworthAge
Cause of Death
Anyone with information regarding this case, is asked to please contact the arapahoe county sheriff's office.Agency
Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office
Daniel MagnantAge
Cause of Death
Anyone with information regarding this case, is asked to please contact the arapahoe county sheriff's office.Agency
Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office
Michael MartinezAge
19Cause of Death
On september 7, 1988, michael martinez and his friend alex pogosyan terrorized an aurora neighborhood when they both shot five people in cold blood. Authorities were still on an aggressive manhunt for michael and alex when unexpectedly michael's body was discovered in a field northeast of park meadows mall. He had been shot numerous times. Initial information pointed to his partner in crime, alex pogosyan, however, investigation indicates other person(s) close to alex and michael were involved. Anyone with information regarding this case, is asked to please contact the arapahoe county sheriff's office.Agency
Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office
Eugene MieraAge
22Cause of Death
Anyone with information regarding this case, is asked to please contact the arapahoe county sheriff's office.Agency
Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office
Marie NicholaidesAge
36Cause of Death
On may 12, 1991, marie nicholaides left work early because she wasn't feeling well. She arrived at her centennial home and immediately upon entering her home was brutally bludgeoned to death. Her husband arrived home around 5:00 p.M. And found marie's body still clutching her purse and car keys. The murder scene was staged to look like an interrupted burglary. Anyone with information regarding this case, is asked to please contact the arapahoe county sheriff's office.Agency
Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office
Colleen BurgessAge
31Cause of Death
On august 31, 1974, 31 year old colleen burgess left work at frito lay in denver and never returned home. Approximately one week later one of colleen's close friends received a letter, believed to be from colleen, indicating she had a terminal illness and left home because she didn't want her husband and four children to see her suffering. There has been no known contact with colleen since. May have left in a 1967 green chevrolet nova. Anyone with information regarding this case is asked to please contact the englewood police departmentAgency
Englewood Police Department
Nancy ShouppAge
27Cause of Death
27 year old nancy lynn shoupp was last seen during the early morning hours of saturday, april 28, 1990, when she left a co-worker's home in boulder, colorado. She had spent the evening with her co-workers and was on the way back home when she disappeared. She was supposed to stop at the home of her husband to pick up their two small children. Nancy lynn shoupp never arrived at her husband's home and has never been heard from again. Her dark green two-door 1984 volvo was later found parked at her residence on hinsdale off dry creek between holly and university in littleton, colorado; neighbors recall seeing the car in its usual space that same morning. Anyone with information regarding this case, is asked to please contact the arapahoe county sheriff's office.Agency
Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office
Susan CullinanAge
34Cause of Death
On april 6, 1986, while visiting a friend ms. Cullinan was shot. Anyone with information regarding this case, is asked to please contact the frisco police department.Agency
Frisco Police Department
Homer AbelAge
63Cause of Death
On february 27, 1984, homer abel, a gas station attendant, was shot and killed in an apparent robbery at the asamera gas station located on highway 6 just a few miles east of rifle, co. The suspect was described as a young white male, 5'8, 150-170 pounds, with dark hair and a dark beard and closely trimmed mustache. He was possibly driving a dark colored full-size american made pickup truck with a white camper shell. Anyone with information regarding this case, is asked to please contact garfield county sheriff's office.Agency
Garfield County Sheriff's Office
Joe FazziAge
42Cause of Death
On august 8, 1965, joe fazzi was found shot to death approximately 1 mile east of the town of silt on co state hwy 6 and 24. He was last seen alive earlier that morning buying lumber at the local lumber yard west of silt. Joe's wallet was in his hand and his truck's driver's side door was open. Joe was discovered by his wife and children. Anyone with information regarding this case, is asked to please contact the garfield county sheriff's office.Agency
Garfield County Sheriff's Office
Ronald TompkinsAge
25Cause of Death
Anyone with information regarding this case, is asked to please contact the arapahoe county sheriff's office.Agency
Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office
Michael TaftAge
32Cause of Death
Anyone with information regarding this case, is asked to please contact the greenwood village police department.Agency
Greenwood Village Police Department
Melissa ChaseAge
18Cause of Death
On december 7, 1983 at about 11:50 pm, melissa's body was found beaten to death underneath a bridge in the 300 block of west lehow avenue in littleton. Ms. Chase had been reported missing the day before. Anyone with information regarding this case, is asked to contact the littleton police department.Agency
Littleton Police Department
Erin GollaAge
27Cause of Death
On january 27, 2002 at about 11:50 p.M. Three individuals were shot to death inside the closed bowling alley at 5485 s. Broadway in littleton, colorado. The three were confronted and shot during a robbery attempt as they were leaving after closing. James springer and erin golla were employees at the bowling alley. Robert zajac was an employee at another bowling alley. Anyone with information regarding this case, is asked to contact the littleton police department.Agency
Littleton Police Department
Beverly RossAge
50Cause of Death
On february 8, 1985 at about 7:30 p.M. Beverly was found shot to death in her home at 23 lindenwood drive in littleton. There were no signs of forced entry and no weapon was ever found. Beverly's purse and contents were found a week later several blocks from the scene. Anyone with information regarding this case, is asked to please contact the littleton police department.Agency
Littleton Police Department
James SpringerAge
30Cause of Death
On january 27, 2002, at about 11:50 p.M. Three individuals were shot to death inside the closed bowling alley at 5485 south broadway in littleton, colorado. The three were confronted and shot during a robbery attempt as they were leaving after closing. James springer and erin golla were employees at the bowling alley. Robert zajac was an employee at another bowling alley. Anyone with information regarding this case, is asked to please contact the littleton police department.Agency
Littleton Police Department
Edward SteinbachAge
37Cause of Death
On december 10, 1979, police responded to a single car traffic accident where the vehicle went down a 200 foot embankment in the 6300 block of south broadway in littleton. During the scene processing it was discovered that edward steinbach had died from a single gunshot to the head. No weapon was ever found. Anyone with information regarding this case, is asked to please contact the littleton police department.Agency
Littleton Police Department
Robert ZajacAge
24Cause of Death
On january 27, 2002, at about 11:50 p.M. Three individuals were shot to death inside the closed bowling alley at 5485 south broadway in littleton, colorado. The three were confronted and shot during a robbery attempt as they were leaving after closing. James springer and erin golla were employees at the bowling alley. Robert zajac was an employee at another bowling alley. Anyone with information regarding this case, is asked to please contact the littleton police department.Agency
Littleton Police Department
William DavisAge
39Cause of Death
On march 15, 1988, william davis was found in his vehicle in the parking lot of a local night club. Anyone with information regarding this case, is asked to please contact the sheridan police department.Agency
Sheridan Police Department
Charles HutchinsAge
27Cause of Death
On july 5, 1986, charles "Tommy" hutchins was found deceased in an adult bookstore located at 3901 s. Santa fe drive. Tommy had been shot. Anyone with information regarding this case, is asked to please contact the sheridan police department.Agency
Sheridan Police Department
Rhonda HollandAge
46Cause of Death
On january 17, 2004 at about 6:00 p.M. Rhonda was stabbed to death as she was closing her gift shop business at 5757 s. Rapp street in downtown littleton. Rhonda was the manager of the store and was in the process of closing when she was killed. Anyone with information regarding this case, is asked to please contact the littleton police department.Agency
Littleton Police Department
Jerri LesserAge
24Cause of Death
Jerri lesser was last seen on may 30, 1980 while rafting in the colorado river with his friend. It is believed that their raft overturned. The friend's body was later recovered in the river, but mr. Lesser has not been seen since. Anyone with information regarding this case is asked to please contact the garfield county sheriff's office.Agency
Garfield County Sheriff's Office
Julie CunninghamAge
26Cause of Death
26 year old julie cunningham was last seen in vail, colorado on march 15, 1975. She disappeared early in the evening after she left her apartment in the apollo park neighborhood to visit a local tavern. She was last seen wearing a brown suede jacket, blue jeans, a ski cap, and boots. She has never been heard from again. Although never charged in her case, serial killer ted bundy confessed to cunningham's murder. Bundy stated that he lured her into his vehicle by posing as an injured skier on crutches and asking her to help carry his ski boots. He claims he knocked her unconscious, drove her to a remote area about eighty miles west of vail and raped her. He states he strangled her and then disposed of her body in a shallow grave near rifle, co in a high desert area with a circular drive and some large trees. Her body was never found, however. Anyone with information regarding this case is asked to please contact the vail police department.Agency
Vail Police Department
Pamela NealAge
22Cause of Death
22 year old pamela neal left work on march 31, 1983 for lunch. She never returned. Upon checking her apartment; the door was found open, her lunch was untouched on the table, her shoes were neatly under the table, her paycheck was uncashed and her cigarettes were on the table. An extensive search was conducted and she was never found. Foul play is suspected. Anyone with information regarding this case, is asked to please contact the englewood police department.Agency
Englewood Police Department
Ronda HenrichsenAge
53Cause of Death
Ronda henrichsen was last seen at a hotel in glenwood springs, co. She was scheduled to get on the greyhound bus to new mexico but never got on. She may have been sighted in the parachute area 2-3 days later. Ms. Henrichsen may have been wearing a white, indian-style tunic, a turban, and glasses. She had mental health issues and was possibly suicidal. Anyone with any information regarding this case is asked to please contact garfield county sheriff's office.Agency
Garfield County Sheriff's Office
Ronald KuetemeierAge
57Cause of Death
Ronald kuetemeier was last seen at his residence on june 14, 2013 at approximately 0915 hours. When family members arrived home later that day he was gone. He took no known vehicle, cell phone, identification, cash, credit cards or personal items with him. Mr. Kuetemeier may have been suicidal. He has not been seen or heard from since. He was last seen clean-shaven and wearing wire-rimmed glasses, khaki shorts, a blue polo shirt, and tennis shoes. Anyone with information regarding this case is asked to please contact the jefferson county sheriff's office.Agency
Jefferson County Sheriff's Office
Sylvia QuayleAge
35Cause of Death
On august 4, 1981, family members of sylvia quayle discovered her unresponsive at her residence. Further investigation revealed sylvia quayle's death was due to unnatural means. The suspect(s) responsible for the death of sylvia quayle have yet to be identified. Anyone with information regarding this case, is asked to please contact the cherry hills village police department.Agency
Cherry Hills Village Police Department
Julie StefanekAge
26Cause of Death
Julie stefanek was last seen leaving the ship "Anastasis" in port antonio, jamaica at 6:30am on 02/26/1989. Her clothing and eyeglasses were found on the beach. Ms. Stefanek has not been heard from since. Anyone with information regarding this case is asked to please contact the cherry hills village police department.Agency
Cherry Hills Village Police Department
Theresa HubbardAge
38Cause of Death
Theresa hubbard went missing on january 1st, 2002. She is a known transient and drug user. Anyone with information regarding this case is asked to please contact the englewood police department.Agency
Englewood Police Department
James McdonaldAge
16Cause of Death
James mcdonald was reported missing on june 1st, 2009. He has not been seen since. Anyone with information regarding this case is asked to please contact the arapahoe county sheriff's office.Agency
Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office
Chianne ShubertAge
11Cause of Death
Chianne shubert was reported missing on june 1st, 2009. She has not been heard from since. Anyone with information regarding this case is asked to please contact the arapahoe county sheriff's office.Agency
Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office
Daniel KellerAge
29Cause of Death
Daniel keller was last seen in paris outside of the french foreign legion gates. According to the reporting party, his phone went dead and mr. Keller had not checked his email or picked up money that was wired to him. Anyone with information regarding this case is asked to please contact the eagle police department.Agency
Eagle Police Department
Jose Rascon-AvilaAge
45Cause of Death
Jose rascon-avila was last seen in 2009, and has not contacted family since. Mr. Rascon-avila is believed to be in arizona. Anyone with information regarding this case is asked to please contact the silverthorne police department.Agency
Silverthrone Police Department
Karla NevarezAge
27Cause of Death
Anyone with information regarding this case is asked to please contact the sheridan police department.Agency
Sheridan Police Department
John MontgomeryAge
50Cause of Death
On october 8, 1979, john montgomery was shot and killed while fishing in rifle creek near mile marker 5.5 on cr 217. John was from california visiting colorado for a fishing/hunting trip with a friend. The suspect vehicle was described as a white over gold or yellow, mid 1970's chevy blazer. Anyone with information regarding this case, is asked to please contact the garfield county sheriff's office.Agency
Garfield County Sheriff's Office
Charlene VoightAge
36Cause of Death
Charlene was last seen on friday, july 1, 2016 in the early morning hours. Police found charlene's vehicle on a dirt lot in littleton just down the street from their (her boyfriend jeff beier and charlene's) apartment. Charlene had just graduated from ca poly pomona in california and moved to littleton colorado to be with her boyfriend. Charlene is described as a white female with blonde hair and brown eyes, 500/105. Anyone with information regarding this case is encouraged to please contact the littleton police department.Agency
Littleton Police Department