Harlem, MT Area Cold Cases

Marlene MazzolaAge
42Cause of Death
This double homicide was one of the most high profile murders in the county's history. 58 year old george heinrich and 42 year old marlene mazzola had been dating for approximately a month before they were found murdered heinrich's home on highway 312 east of billings. Heinrich was a local business man who bought and sold cattle. Mazzola was a district manager for avon products in the billings area. The bodies were discovered by heinrich's adopted daughter.Agency
YellowStone County
Ben BumsAge
Cause of Death
Homicide victim ben bums body was found near 1-94 on prior creek road, just 200 yards south of the huntley interchange. Bums had been hitchhiking from northwestem montana to his home in forsyth. According to reports, less than a half hour passed between the time pryor creek residents heard gunfire at around 12:30am and passing motorists found the young man's body.Agency
YellowStone County
Jeannette AtwaterAge
Cause of Death
Shortly after 3:30am on the morning of january 16, 2000, firefighters were called to the scene of a car fire near a pull-off area on bench blvd. In billings heights. When firefighters opened the trunk of the burning car they discovered a body, later identified as jeanette atwater. The previous evening, this attractive young billings woman, and the mother of three small children had attended an office party with several co-workers from the napa store where she worked. The major clue in this case is video from the cenex convenience store located near the crime scene. The store's video monitoring system recorded a male, approximately 5'8" in height, wearing a dark coat and pants. The suspect got into an older model compact car...Possibly brown in color with an orange stripe on the side. Drawings of the suspect and vehicle were made and circulated. To-date, no arrests have been made.Agency
YellowStone County
Marsha HelgesonAge
21Cause of Death
The body of this 21 year old billings woman was found in the moming hours of september 9th, 1978 on alkali creek road in the billings heights. The victim frequented the old 17 club and other bars and was last seen at the old sambo's restaurant on first avenue north. Several suspects were questioned during the investigation but no arrests were made.Agency
YellowStone County
Corina ContrerazAge
16Cause of Death
This young 16 year old southside billings girl's body was found near the pryor creek & 1-90 interchange where pryor creek road inter-sects with indian creek road. Numerous suspects were identified during the course of the original investigation.Agency
YellowStone County
George HeinrichAge
58Cause of Death
This double homicide was one of the most high profile murders in the county's history. 58 year old george heinrich and 42 year old marlene mazzola had been dating for approximately a month before they were found murdered heinrich's home on highway 312 east of billings. Heinrich was a local business man who bought and sold cattle. Mazzola was a district manager for avon products in the billings area. The bodies were discovered by heinrich's adopted daughter.Agency
YellowStone County
Judy HattenAge
48Cause of Death
The body of 48 year old judy hatten was found by her boyfriend in her home at 1030 12th avenue in laurel on the morning of march 11, 1995. Hatten was beaten to death. She had no known enemies and no motive for the crime has been established. In 2012, the laurel police department tumed the case over to the yellowstone county sheriff's office cold case unit for further investigation.Agency
YellowStone County